Cobb Terrace Sewer Line Project


Cobb Terrace Sewer Line Project


Overview: The goal of the Cobb Terrace Sewer Line project is the protection or replacement of approximately 350 linear feet of  previously rehabilitated sewer pipeline located next to an unnamed tributary of Mill Race Branch Stream. The stream is experiencing significant erosion and exposing manholes and section of sewer line. This project will evaluate options to protect or replace the sewer line within the existing or new corridor to provide for improved protection and future pipe maintenance.



Project Schedule: The project is divided in to four phases:


Phase 1: Preliminary Engineering and Data Collection (to be conducted Spring 2024)

Phase 2: Final Design and Permitting (dates TBD)

Phase 3: Bidding and Construction Project Award (dates TBD)

Phase 4: Construction Administration (dates TBD)


If you have questions or comments about this project, please contact:


Andre Miller, P.E. , MSci.  

Utilities Engineer / CIP Projects  

Orange Water and Sewer Authority 

Cell: (949) 273-9775