OWASA Board of Directors Public Hearing and Meeting Summary – May 9, 2024

On May 9, 2024, the OWASA Board of Directors held a public hearing on the draft Fiscal Year 2025 budget and proposed 15% rate increase for water and sewer services. No public comments we’re received at the meeting. The Board is scheduled to vote on the final budget and rate increase on June 13, 2024. Additional important updates include:

  • An update on the scope of OWASA’s Climate Action Plan
  • Regulations for PFAS in drinking water and PFAS litigation
  • Financial Report for a nine-month period that ended March 31, 2024; All but one of the financial performance measurement targets were met for this period

The next meeting of the OWASA Board of Directors is June 13, 2024. Visit owasa.org/board-of-directors to learn more about the Board, view the meeting calendar, watch meetings and access agendas, or contact the Board.