Our first PFAS Community Chat is now available on our YouTube channel! OWASA hosted our first in a series of community chats about PFAS last week at the Chapel Hill Public Library. The event connected local environmental law, regulatory, and utility finance experts, with community…

According to the National Integrated Drought Information System, 100% of Orange County is experiencing a moderate drought. Currently, OWASA’s reservoirs are 95% full, with enough water to last 548 days with no further rainfall. OWASA always encourages our customers to use water wisely. Visit Water…

The Atlantic Hurricane season has begun and will last until November 30, 2024. There is an 85% chance of above normal Hurricane activity this year and OWASA wants all customers to be prepared in the event of severe weather. Listen to OWASA Safety Manager Steve…

On June 13, 2024, the OWASA Board of Directors met to vote on the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and proposed 15% rate increase for water and sewer services. The budget and rate increase were approved by the Board. The rate increase will go into effect…

Orange Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors has delegated authority to declare personal property items as surplus to the needs of OWASA to the Executive Director. The Executive Director has declared certain personal property surplus and has authorized disposal by electronic auction. From June…