The Board of Directors adopts our annual budget, approves bond issues to fund capital projects, makes policy decisions, and sets your rates, fees, and charges based on cost-of-service principles. The Board also appoints an Executive Director, independent Auditor, and General Counsel. OWASA Board and committee meetings are normally open to public attendance.

The Board of Directors for OWASA is comprised of Carrboro-Chapel Hill-Orange County residents just like yourself. Our nine-member Board is composed of five appointed representatives from Chapel Hill, two from Carrboro, and two from Orange County. Anyone in the community and within the OWASA service area or Orange County may volunteer to become a Board member, pending approval and appointment.

Interested in serving on the OWASA Board?

Governing a critical public utility effectively requires a group of dedicated volunteers with a broad range of knowledge and experiences. The Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) Board of Directors is unique in that it is in fact a governing Board and, therefore, does not simply advise the elected bodies on issues. Our Board of Directors addresses a wide variety of issues including infrastructure investment, employee compensation and benefits, finance and rate setting, customer service and affordability, environmental protection, forestry, public health, and community engagement, among others. Experience in these areas can be helpful, but specific technical experience is not required; the only true qualification needed is a genuine commitment to serve the community. Former Board members have found serving on the Board to be a meaningful and rewarding experience, though this level of community service does require a significant investment of time and energy to prepare for and attend meetings. OWASA embraces diversity and inclusion in everything we do, and we encourage all interested candidates to apply with Carrboro, Chapel Hill, or Orange County for appointments to our Board of Directors.

For more information on applying visit the Boards and Commission pages for the appointing governments:

Contact the Board

You may send an email to all Board Members, the Executive Director, General Counsel and Clerk to the Board. Keep in mind that emails to and from OWASA are public records under State law (Chapter 132 of the General Statutes); however, customer billing records, employment applications and certain other information are not public records.

Board Meetings

The OWASA Board of Directors appreciates and invites the public to attend and observe its meetings. The Board meets at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month in OWASA’s Community Room. View OWASA’s calendar of meetings and events for more information.

Public speakers are encouraged to organize their remarks for delivery within the four-minute timeframe allowed each speaker. Additional time may be allowed at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

The agenda and related reports for Board meetings are generally posted on our website by Monday before a Thursday-night meeting. Speakers are invited to submit more detailed comments via written materials, ideally submitted at least three days in advance of the meeting to the Clerk to the Board via email or, if you wish, by mail:

Clerk to the Board
400 Jones Ferry Rd.
Carrboro, NC 27510

Committee Meetings

The OWASA Board has committees consisting of Board members to assist in its work. The committee meetings are open for public attendance. Meetings are scheduled as needed; as such, committee meeting times vary. The agenda and related reports for committee meetings are generally posted on our website two days before a meeting.

For additional information about Board and/or committee meetings, please contact Clerk to the Board, via email or at (919) 537-4217. You can also sign up to receive email updates about OWASA Board meetings

Viewing Board Meetings

Board meetings can be viewed live via a link provided prior to the meeting and is found under Board Meeting Materials.

Meet the Board


Mel Kramer

Kyle Onda

Kyle Onda

Vice Chair
Pedro Garcia

Pedro Garcia

Ben Dor

Todd BenDor

Bruce Boehm

Bruce Boehm

Susana Dancy

Susana Dancy


Michael M. Hughes. P.E.

Elmira Mangum

Elmira Mangum

Johnny Randall

Johnny Randall